
Even 'Click' is not available

suruirui opened this issue · 5 comments

Expected behaviour

click a single image in the grid

Actual behaviour

``````````````````````````````````````````````the console output ```````````````````````````````````````
react-dom.development.js:545 Warning: Expected onClick listener to be a function, instead got `false`.

If you used to conditionally omit it with onClick={condition && value}, pass onClick={condition ? value : undefined} instead.
in div (created by Container)
in Container (created by Lightbox)
in Transition (created by CSSTransition)
in CSSTransition
in div (created by TransitionGroup)
in TransitionGroup
in div
in PassContext
warningWithoutStack @ react-dom.development.js:545
warning @ react-dom.development.js:2853
warnForInvalidEventListener @ react-dom.development.js:8659
setInitialDOMProperties @ react-dom.development.js:8747
setInitialProperties @ react-dom.development.js:8931
finalizeInitialChildren @ react-dom.development.js:9955
completeWork @ react-dom.development.js:19105
completeUnitOfWork @ react-dom.development.js:22241
performUnitOfWork @ react-dom.development.js:22218
workLoopSync @ react-dom.development.js:22185
renderRoot @ react-dom.development.js:21878
runRootCallback @ react-dom.development.js:21554
(anonymous) @ react-dom.development.js:11353
unstable_runWithPriority @ scheduler.development.js:643
runWithPriority$2 @ react-dom.development.js:11305
flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl @ react-dom.development.js:11349
flushSyncCallbackQueue @ react-dom.development.js:11338
discreteUpdates$1 @ react-dom.development.js:21677
discreteUpdates @ react-dom.development.js:2359
dispatchDiscreteEvent @ react-dom.development.js:5979
react-dom.development.js:545 Warning: Expected onTouchEnd listener to be a function, instead got false.

If you used to conditionally omit it with onTouchEnd={condition && value}, pass onTouchEnd={condition ? value : undefined} instead.
in div (created by Container)
in Container (created by Lightbox)
in Transition (created by CSSTransition)
in CSSTransition
in div (created by TransitionGroup)
in TransitionGroup
in div
in PassContext
warningWithoutStack @ react-dom.development.js:545
warning @ react-dom.development.js:2853
warnForInvalidEventListener @ react-dom.development.js:8659
setInitialDOMProperties @ react-dom.development.js:8747
setInitialProperties @ react-dom.development.js:8931
finalizeInitialChildren @ react-dom.development.js:9955
completeWork @ react-dom.development.js:19105
completeUnitOfWork @ react-dom.development.js:22241
performUnitOfWork @ react-dom.development.js:22218
workLoopSync @ react-dom.development.js:22185
renderRoot @ react-dom.development.js:21878
runRootCallback @ react-dom.development.js:21554
(anonymous) @ react-dom.development.js:11353
unstable_runWithPriority @ scheduler.development.js:643
runWithPriority$2 @ react-dom.development.js:11305
flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl @ react-dom.development.js:11349
flushSyncCallbackQueue @ react-dom.development.js:11338
discreteUpdates$1 @ react-dom.development.js:21677
discreteUpdates @ react-dom.development.js:2359
dispatchDiscreteEvent @ react-dom.development.js:5979
react-dom.development.js:11494 Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. See for details.

  • Move data fetching code or side effects to componentDidUpdate.
  • If you're updating state whenever props change, refactor your code to use memoization techniques or move it to static getDerivedStateFromProps. Learn more at:
  • Rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps to suppress this warning in non-strict mode. In React 17.x, only the UNSAFE_ name will work. To rename all deprecated lifecycles to their new names, you can run npx react-codemod rename-unsafe-lifecycles in your project source folder.

Please update the following components: PaginatedThumbnails

Steps to reproduce behaviour

Operating system

win10 home

Browser and version

chrome v78.0.3904.87


Dell Desktop



Hello, guys thanks for reporting!

It's a known bug that occurs if you are using React 17 and higher. The root of the problem is in the react-images - library we are using for the lightbox component.

We started a discussion to find a way to fix it. Most probably we will cut lightbox functionality at all. Please join this discussion your feedback is highly appreciated!

Lightbox was stripped out in the v1.0.0 so I close the issue because it's not actual anymore