
onClick open a Link... or a Modal with content ?!?

xstable opened this issue · 1 comments

Is it possible in any way to modify this component to archive this:

I wan't to use this Gallery for a reference list. So if you click on an Image, not the image will be shown in full-size, but an kind of modal with Text I do injected (e.g. Company description)

Or as alternative if you click on an Image, it will open an URL instead of showing the full-sized image.
Would this be possible?

Hello @xstable!

Yes, it's possible. You can override opening a lightbox by using onClickThumbnail prop.

function App() {
  const handleClick = () =>"");

  return <Gallery onClickThumbnail={handleClick} images={images} />;

Feel free to reopen the issue if you have more questions. Have a good day!