
Feature Request: Bulk add files narrowed to a common section.

dcoales opened this issue · 1 comments

I have many pages that I set up to compare products. Each page uses the same template and has the same headings. All the files are in the same folder. I would love the option to be able to go to an existing canvas and trigger a command that asked me for the folder and the heading and then added all the files in that folder to the canvas with each one narrowed to that heading. That would allow me to easily compare specific sections (features) across all the files (products).

Ideally I could then do the same thing again in the same canvas but this time narrowed to a different heading.

It might also be useful to have the option to put the files into a group, possibly named the same as the chosen heading.


Thanks for the request,

This is a bit niche for this plugin. A work around that could help. How about you do a search for the folder like so:

path:"01 Projects/zz_someday"

Then copy the results like so:

Paste into a doc and run the link exploder command. It won't work with titles but will get you some of the way there.