
Is Goverlay 1.1 supposed to be qt6 compatible?

Antiz96 opened this issue · 0 comments


Congrats on the new 1.1 release.
I'm a bit confused by the release note though, the wording in there does not make it clear if Goverlay is qt6 compatible yet or if this is still an ongoing effort.

For instance:

"Plasma 6 is on the horizon, and we're eager to ride that wave by updating goverlay to QT6 ASAP [...]".

The "ASAP" mention here seems to imply that this is an ongoing effort, but the release note later says:

"New: We've given our toolkit a snazzy upgrade to QT6."

The fact that these commits have been pushed after the 1.1 release gives me doubts on the above as well.

The reason I'm asking you this is because Goverlay 1.1 fails to build against qt6(pas) and, regarding the above, I'm not sure if is this expected (as in "Goverlay 1.1 still expects to be build against qt5(pas)") or if this is an actual issue.

If it's the latter, I found that there are some hard-coded leftover mentions of QT5 in the dependencies' definition, causing the build to fail against QT6. I opened #104 with a fix.