Gets "Cannot Connect to iTunes Store" after upgrading plan
denandreychuk opened this issue · 6 comments
Hi! I faced with a problem related to subscription upgrading. Not sure exactly if it's related to MerchantKit, but I I get "Cannot Connect to iTunes Store" every time I upgrade plan for auto-renewable subscription.
If I have already purchased, for example, "weekly" subscription and then tries to upgrade my plan to "monthly", I got "Cannot Connect to iTunes Store" after successfully complete transaction. The last part is weird. I got popup from Apple that everythings good, and that I was billed, and after that I receive error in didCommit delegate method of ProductInterfaceController.
Please, let me know you have any idea what could be the problem.
Best regard, Den
Is this testing on a real device?
ye, on real device.
Hmm, I can't explain that then. I'd be surprised if it was a MerchantKit issue — but can't immediately rule it out.
Any updates on this?
Also, I have one more question. Does MerchantKit support promoted products?
No idea on your initial problem. And yes it does support promoted products. By default, the purchase flow starts immediately when receiving a promoted product event. You can optionally override this behaviour using the delegate method func merchant(_ merchant: Merchant, didReceiveStoreIntentToCommit purchase: Purchase) -> StoreIntentResponse
Closing this as I cannot make progress on your initial issue with the description provided. If you can do more testing and nail down a MerchantKit problem, please open a new issue with details.