Repo for Nelson et al. manuscript in Ecosphere
- "chinook_indices_ver_2.csv": PSC Chinook salmon indicies of abundance
- "fec_data.csv": Tablular data of births, by year, age and individual
- "ipm_data_ver_3.csv": Counts of live-captures by stage, by year, from 1962-1977
- "ipm_model_optim_func_ver_2.r": Primary R script for loading data files and executing JAGS models
- "ipm_survival_optim.r": R script for pre-processing the survival data
- "jags_ipm_optim_ver_2.r": JAGS model code
- "loo_script.r": R script for model selection criterion
- "mortality_data.csv": Tablular record of deaths, by age, sex, and year
- "nrkws.csv": NRKW abundance data (estimated and observed)
- "psc_sims.csv": Simulated PSC Chinook salmon abundance indicies
- "stage_data_ver_2.csv": SRKW annual abundance, by stage
- "stage_start_stop_ver_3.csv": Indexing file for execution of JAGS code
- "survival_age_to_stage.csv": Key that assigns sex-age combinations to stages for estimation of demographic survival rates