ReactJS / PlotlyJS integration. Draw plotly.js graphs in your react app.
- 15
Stop performing a full redraw on every update
#6 opened by otisg - 0
Deprecate in favour of react-plotly.js ?
#25 opened by nicolaskruchten - 0
- 5
Can't change plot div className
#10 opened by zachschultz - 2
Importing plotly-cartesian
#15 opened by athenawisdoms - 1
How to get `onPlotlyClick` event?
#21 opened by tgoldenberg - 5
Update graph on config prop changes
#7 opened by otisg - 1
Event props raise error on start
#14 opened by CohenBenco - 2
v0.3.6 breaks listeners
#12 opened by grindlemire - 2
Redraw breaks rendering
#11 opened by koliyo - 3
react-plotlyjs with typescript issue
#9 opened by mhmoudgmal - 2
Can't update the data in my plot
#1 opened by djkashtan