
Jacks don't render

Efroymson opened this issue · 6 comments

I am working on a panel for this format, and I want to put some jacks in, I am using jacks_mm but I notice that I don't see any holes being generated in the CV Mixer example either, only the pots and the LED show up.

Can you share your code for them?

include <../EuroPanelMaker/panel.scad>

hp = 26;
title = "MCU";
text_depth = 1.6;
title_font_size = 3.8;
margin = 3;

pots_mm = [
[84, 61, "", -90],
[100, 61, "", -90],
[1166, 61, "", -90],
[60, 86, "", -90],

//leds = [[1, 49, 3]];

jacks_mm = [
[15, 21, "1", -90],
[30, 21, "2", -90],
[70, 21, "3", -90],
[85, 21, "4", -90],
[105, 21, "L", -90],
[120, 21, "R", -90]

panel_flipped = true;

From the documentation, jacks should be [x (in HP column), y (mm), label, size, rotation (degrees)], so you should have "35mm" between the label and the rotation. Additionally, -90 can be accomplished with 270.

jacks_mm = [
    [15, 21, "1", "35mm", 270],
    [30, 21, "2", "35mm", 270],
    [70, 21, "3", "35mm", 270],
    [85, 21, "4", "35mm", 270],
    [105, 21, "L", "35mm", 270],
    [120, 21, "R", "35mm", 270]

Did this solve your issue?

Thanks @slashinfty @Efroymson! Closing this issue for now.

@Efroymson we have a Discord in case you need more help. 😊