
Release MethodFinder under the Eclipse Public License

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am extremely interested in using portions of MethodFinder in the development of JUnit 5.

I would therefore be very grateful if you could release at least the source code for MethodFinder under the Eclipse Public License -v 1.0.

Great work by the way, and...

Thanks in advance!

You may use any of the code here under the terms of the EPL.

However, bear in mind that while it works now I don't think there's any guarantee that the MethodFinder approach using reflection will work across different implementations of Java or even different Java versions.

You may use any of the code here under the terms of the EPL.


However, bear in mind that while it works now I don't think there's any guarantee that the MethodFinder approach using reflection will work across different implementations of Java or even different Java versions.

Yeah, I share the same concern, but I'll give it a go now anyway (at least as a prototype).

FYI: In MethodFinder you can replace this:

        return asList(containingClass.getDeclaredMethods())
                .filter(method -> Objects.equals(method.getName(), lambda.getImplMethodName()))


                .filter(method -> Objects.equals(method.getName(), lambda.getImplMethodName()))