
No subtask pulled

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Firstly, thank you for this extension since it is the exact tool I need to incorporate logseq with todoist. 谢谢

But I encounter a few problems:

  1. No subtask is pulled, however I change the settings, with/without project title, clear/keep original tasks.
  2. The subtask problem even persist when I pull today's tasks, not only subtasks will not show as hierarchy, they won't show at all.
  3. I cannot send task with priority or project with block properties.
  4. Tasks pulled comes with a property "todoistid", which is not useful as the link is in the task title, and it is not tidy to view, how can i change that?


My settings are:

I'm using Logseq 0.8.18 with the 5.1.2 version of extension.

(1) and (2) are fixed.

For (4), find the below line in your config.edn file and make changes as per below:

 ;; hide specific properties for blocks
 ;; E.g. :block-hidden-properties #{:created-at :updated-at}
:block-hidden-properties #{:todoistid}

For (3), let me review that.

Thank you, after upgrading, the problem 1,2,4 are solved, but 3 still exist.

It seemed that pulling today's tasks have a new bug now:

if sync is enabled, when pulling today's task, only tasks in the designated subject are pulled (just like syncing the project) regardless of the deadline of the mission.

Should be solved in latest release.