
Error During Installation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Using Alfred 4.5, I receive the following error when attempting to connect to my bridge (either using the manual button or explicitly entering the bridge's IP address):

{ "items": [ { "valid": false, "subtitle": "u'username'", "icon": { "path": "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/AlertStopIcon.icns" }, "title": "Error in workflow 'Philips Hue Controller'" } ] }

mjl commented

I just had the same experience and tried debugging.

It seems should read

if this_query.startswith('set_bridge:'):

or perhaps

if query[0] == 'set_bridge':

otherwise it will never call the setup function.

Thanks for the responses. I got this error using the latest version from the downloads page (3.0.5, from July)

There was a logic bug introduced in #57. I've fixed and published as v3.0.6

Tested successfully. Thank you for the turnaround, and great work on this overall!