
publish to pypi

benkonrath opened this issue · 13 comments

This should be published to pypi. There is another transip library on pypi but it has been removed from github.

I'll probably use the transip-api name for pypi.

Getting transip-api published on pypi would be great. I'd much rather use this library with
I'm running into issues with LordGaav's version (it doesn't seem to support python3), and it doesn't seem to be maintained at all anymore, so I'll have to remove Transip support completely from Lexicon

@AnalogJ if there were problems, you should have just sent me a message.

That being said, my main goal for making my TransIP API implementation was using it with lexicon + . I never got around to publishing the code on GitHub, and I have since moved away from that solution.

@benkonrath / @AnalogJ : I am willing to hand over the transip pypi package, but we'll have to be careful how we do it. I'm not sure how many users there are (pypi has pulled their statistics), but I want the lexicon support for TransIP to keep working.

When you're ready with a lexicon implementation, contact me and we'll work out the transfer.

@LordGaav Thanks for being willing to hand over the transip pypi package. Maybe it's better / easier for me to just publish this under the transip-api package name. That will let me get the package out sooner and it also helps lexicon transition to this package more easily.

@AnalogJ / @LordGaav Do you have an opinion on publishing this under the transip-api package name? I would have to change the python package name to transip_api to avoid a collision with LordGaav's transip package. This will impact the current users but it would be easy enough to fix.

I think you should: keep the transip name, rename this GIt repo to either transip or python-transip, and work with @AnalogJ in replacing my code with yours in lexicon. When that's ready to merge, we'll do the transition.

That seems good to me, however, I don't have extra time to work on the lexicon part of this transition. @AnalogJ Are you ok with this plan?

Hey guys,

@LordGaav, I only had 2 problems with transip, it had some compatibility problems with python 3 (which were definitely solvable) and the fact that the source repository no longer existed, which made depending on it, and creating issues a moot point. That said, I do appreciate your contributions to lexicon :)

@benkonrath, @LordGaav Someone already submitted a lexicon provider using @benkonrath 's transip library, it was merged in v1.2.4 As of right now, there's no work required in lexicon, it should work out of the box (after an update to specify the dependency by name, rather than github repo)

Just tell me when you guys do the hand-off & publish and I'll create a new release.

@benkonrath, @LordGaav
Any eta on when transip (or transip-api) will be published to pypi? The method we're using right now to pull your library is a bit kludgy.

@LordGaav I'm ready on my end. Let me know when you've transferred the account over. I'll make my first release 1 version higher than your latest release so that things don't break for people.

@benkonrath what is your PyPi username?

@LordGaav My PyPi username is bkonrath.

@benkonrath I've added you as extra Owner on the PyPi repo.

This package is now on pypi as transip 0.3.0.

@LordGaav Let me know if you want me to remove you as the owner on pypi.