
JS opensky api call

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Hi, I love the project, Thanks for helping me out bc I'm doing something similar :)
I found how to do the opensky api call from the browser, just leaving it in case anyone is interested

export async function getFlights( coords ) {
     // get the user's longitude and latitude
     const [ longitude, latitude ] = [ coords.longitude, coords.latitude ];
     // find the min and max longitude and latitude of the search area
     const kmPerDegreeLatitude  = 111.2
     const kmPerDegreeLongitude = 111.2 * Math.cos( latitude / 180 * Math.PI )
     const latitudeDegrees  = SEARCH_DISTANCE / kmPerDegreeLatitude
     const longitudeDegrees = SEARCH_DISTANCE / kmPerDegreeLongitude
     // build the query string
     const parameters = {
         lamin: latitude  - latitudeDegrees,
         lomin: longitude - longitudeDegrees,
         lamax: latitude  + latitudeDegrees,
         lomax: longitude + longitudeDegrees
     const queryString = new URLSearchParams(parameters).toString();
     // make the request and set the openskyResponse variable
     const response = await fetch( OPENSKY_URL + "?" + queryString, {method: "GET", headers: HEADERS} );
     const openskyResponse = await response.json();

    return openskyResponse;