
Feature request: Air quality

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, it's me, your nightmare!

Here's the idea. I live in a very polluted zone in Italy and here air quality is often bad : in my opinion this should be considered where deciding to leave the windows open for a certain period of time.

So my idea should be to add another sensor like "outdoor" called "outdoor_air_quality" when people can add for example sensor using WAQI integration. If this sensor's value is > 100 (this should be default value) timers for "initial" and "reminder" value should be lower.

The final output should be something like this:

module: notifreeze
class: NotiFreeze
always_notify: true
outdoor: sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
outdoor_air_quality: sensor.waqi_airquality_location
max_difference: 3
max_airquality: 100
initial: 30
reminder: 15
airpolluted_initial: 15
airpolluted_reminder: 5

it is worth for you?

Let me know your thoughts

PS: I created a local for it_IT if you want to add to your repo

    "it_IT": {
        "since": "La {entity_name} in {room_name} è aperta da {open_since}. La temperatura attualmente è di {initial}°C",
        "change": "La {entity_name} in {room_name} è aperta {open_since}: la temperatura è passata da {initial}°C a {indoor}°C con una differenza di {indoor_difference}°C",

Nice idea! In germany we have something similar, especially in here Stuttgart, we call it Feinstaub :D (More Info:

Added to my todo, thanks!

About the it_IT translation... Thanks! And whats your opinion... I am not sure if we should use completely custom message (as current implementation) or supplied translations... Or even both... Every way has up/downsides and supporting both seems a little overkill...

I personally think that custom message is better because it can be modified based on the service used: you can add emoticons if sent via message or add more commas is it will be sent to tts.