
A lightweight cookie library written in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

1. Introduction

A lightweight cookie library written in JavaScript. It is designed to make interacting with cookies via Javascript easier and faster for the developer.

All functions can be called against the Cookie object, which exists in window scope.

2. Usage

Below is an example of retrieving a cookie whose name is user_id:

Cookie.get('user_id'); // Returns '1';

3. Functions:

set(name, value, expires, path = '/'):
Create a new cookie.


  • name: the name key for the cookie (e.g. user_id)
  • value: the value of the cookie (e.g. 1)
  • expires: the number of days in which the cookie should expire
  • path: the path to store the cookie against (optional)

Read the value of the cookie with the specified name.


  • name: the name of the cookie whose value to read.

Returns: (string) the cookie value.

Check to see if a cookie with the specified name exists.


  • name: the name of the cookie to check.

Returns: (bool) true if the cookie exists, otherwise false.

Erase a cookie by its name.


  • name: the name of the cookie to erase.