
An HTML static site template dependent upon SASS (.scss) and CodeKit (.kit)

Primary LanguageCSS



Template-html is a bare-bones, responsive html5 template for static sites. It uses CodeKit's .kit extension to allow easy updating of shared page components such as masthead and footer.

It includes two optional modules – a progressively enhanced image gallery and a basic contact form.


To use the template you will need the following tools and libraries:



Getting started

Adding site-wide metadata

Edit the following .scss files to customise your site:

  • _*meta-favicons.scss – Insert favicon links here. I use faviconit to generate favicons and code.
  • _*meta-metadata ** $site-title – added to the beginning of <title> ** $site-masthead – added to the page <header>. May or may not be the same as $site-title. ** $site-description – the meta description for your site. ** $site-viewport – a default value for meta viewport. ** $prefix-open-graph – default value to add the open-graph namespace. ** $og-title – sets a value for property="og:title" ** $og-type – sets a value for property="og:type" ** $og-url – sets a value for property="og:url" ** $og-image – sets a value for property="og:image" ** $og-description – sets a value for property="og:description"
  • _*meta-nofollow – default value for meta robots.
  • _*meta-open-graph – adds open graph meta tags. They can be customised using the variables in _*meta-metadata.scss.


This file contains many standard HTML elements and allows you to see how they display as you style your site. This file should be deleted before launching your finished site. It's adapted from Jukka Korpela's Test display of HTML elements.

Creating a new page

If you're unfamiliar with CodeKit's .kit language, read this first.

In *CodeKit > html, create two new .kit files. Say we want to end up with test.html, we create:

  1. test.kit
  2. content-test.kit


Add the following .kit variables and imports. Optionally, you can add local $og-* variables to override the master variables in _*meta-metadata.

<!-- $page-id = page-default-html -->
<!-- $page-title = Default HTML -->
<!-- $stylesheet = css/stylesheet.css -->
<!-- @import *meta-metadata.kit, *01-open.kit, *02b-head-nofollow.kit, *03-masthead.kit, *04-navigation.kit, content-default-html.kit, *05-footer.kit, *06-scripts.kit, *07-close.kit -->
  • $page-id – added to <body> as an id
  • $page-title – added to <title> after $site-title
  • $stylesheet – the URL of the page's stylesheet
  • @import – creates the document using the .kit files you specify. In this example, the page contains: ** *01-open.kit – the doctype and <html> tag ** *02b-head-nofollow.kit – <head> including <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> ** *03-masthead.kit – <body> + <header> ** *04-navigation.kit – main <nav> ** content-test.kit - the page content ** *05-footer.kit – <footer> ** *06-scripts.kit – <script> tags ** *07-close.kit – closing </body> and </html> tags


This is where you add any content unique to the page you are creating.


stylesheet.scss imports the following files:


  • _fonts.scss – add your @font-face rules here, then add font-family names to _variables.scss
  • _layout.scss – includes base styles; edit as required
  • _module-form.scss (optional) – base styles for the form module
  • _module-gallery.scss (optional) – base styles for the gallery module
  • _print – some styles are included to fix the image gallery for print layouts; edit as required
  • _variables.scss – base variables for fonts, colour scheme and page dimensions; edit as required


  • bourbon.scss (optional) – this automatically imports Bourbon

This template also uses the following files from benmanley/framework-base

  • reset-html5.scss – a bare-bones reset including display:block for common HMTL5 elements to allow support for IE in combination with a javascript shiv.
  • mixins.scss – mixins for golden ratios, fonts, properties that use rems but fall back to pixels, plus cross browser support for various properties