Report on an analysis of responses to the 2020 Survey for the Revision of the Society for American Archaeology’s Principles of Archaeological Ethics

This repository contains the data and code for our report:

Marwick, B, E. Potter, R. Hampton, K. Pruski, L. Wang (2020) Report on an analysis of responses to the 2020 Survey for the Revision of the Society for American Archaeology’s Principles of Archaeological Ethics. Online at

Note that the publicly available data does not include any personally identifiable information. The full dataset with personally identifiable information is available on a private repository at Contact for access.

How to cite

Please cite this compendium as:

Marwick, B, E. Potter, R. Hampton, K. Pruski, L. Wang (2020) Report on an analysis of responses to the 2020 Survey for the Revision of the Society for American Archaeology’s Principles of Archaeological Ethics. Accessed 07 Oct 2020. Online at


This repository contains:

  • 📁 report: A PDF file of the final report. This was originally written in Google Documents and exported to PDF.
  • 📁 analysis: R Markdown and R script files that include code to reproduce the figures and tables generated by the analysis.
  • 📁 data: Data used in the analysis. Note that the demographic data are not included here, in accordance with the privacy policy of the survey
  • 📁 figures: Plots and other illustrations that were created by R code and pasted into the Google Document

How to download

This research compendium has been developed using the statistical programming language R. To work with the compendium, you will need installed on your computer the R software itself and optionally RStudio Desktop. You can download the compendium as a zip from from this URL:

Because we have not included the full dataset for privacy reasons, you will not be able to run the code to reproduce the results presented in the report. We include the code for transparency, and to support others to do similar anlyses on their own data.


Text and figures : CC-BY-4.0

Code : See the DESCRIPTION file

Data : CC-0 attribution requested in reuse


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