
Generating var instead of let

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Sometimes genes will generate var instead of let in functions, this causes var shadowing in nested loops which makes the output basically invalid.

Here are examples:


static getRect(map,rect,wrap) {                                                                        
    if(wrap == null) {                                                                                   
      wrap = false;                                                                                      
    let _g = [];                                                                                         
    let _g1 = rect.y;                                                                                    
    let _g2 = rect.y + rect.height;                                                                      
    while(_g1 < _g2) {                                                                                   
      let j = _g1++;                                                                                     
      let _g2 = rect.x;                                                                                  
      let _g3 = rect.x + rect.width;                                                                     
      while(_g2 < _g3) {                                                                                 
        let i = _g2++;                                                                                   
        if(wrap) {                                                                                       
          _g.push(map._mapData[map._width * (j % map._height) + i % map._width]);                          
        } else {                                                                                         
          _g.push(map._mapData[map._width * j + i]);                                                     
    return _g;                                                                                           


 static getRect(map, rect, wrap) {                                                                      
    if (wrap == null) {                                                                                  
      wrap = false;                                                                                      
    var _g = [];                                                                                         
    var _g1 = rect.y;                                                                                    
    var _g2 = rect.y + rect.height;                                                                      
    while (_g1 < _g2) {                                                                                             
      var j = _g1++;                                                                                             
      var _g2 = rect.x;                                                                                  
      var _g3 = rect.x + rect.width;                                                                     
      while (_g2 < _g3) {                                                                                
        var i = _g2++;                                                                                   
        if (wrap) {                                                                                      
          _g.push(map._mapData[map._width * (j % map._height) + i % map._width]);                        
        } else {                                                                                         
          _g.push(map._mapData[map._width * j + i]);                                                     
    return _g;                                                                                           

This seems to be a conflict between
-D js-es=6
and genes.

I'm assuming somehow the js output is guessing it can re-use var names when it is in es6 cause it thinks it's outputting let.

This is what it looks like "fixed" without the es=6 part

notice the new g3,g4 vars in the nested loop compared to above.

static getRect(map, rect, wrap) {                                                                                      
    if (wrap == null) {                                                                                                   
      wrap = false;                                                                                                      
    var _g = [];                                                                                                         
    var _g1 = rect.y;                                                                                                    
    var _g2 = rect.y + rect.height;                                                                                      
    while (_g1 < _g2) {                                                                                                  
      var j = _g1++;                                                                                                     
      var _g3 = rect.x;                                                                                                  
      var _g4 = rect.x + rect.width;                                                                                     
      while (_g3 < _g4) {                                                                                                
        var i = _g3++;                                                                                                   
        if (wrap) {                                                                                                      
          _g.push(map._mapData[map._width * (j % map._height) + i % map._width]);                                        
        } else {                                                                                                         
          _g.push(map._mapData[map._width * j + i]);                                                                     
    return _g;                                                                                                           

Could you include the original Haxe code that was transpiled? It'll help write a test case