
ng-repeat error dupes

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I can't get this work. I get ng-repeat error for duplicated values.
Any idea ?
Thanks and congrats for your blog: awesome articles and great stuff.

@meltinspace it could be that you need to re-initialize the API. If something went wrong, you might be getting duplicate IDs passed back (the duplicate IDs is usually the reason that the ng-repeat will fail). Try hitting /api/index.cfm?init=1 (relative to where the demo is).

That page will look like it broke / return a 404. But will clear out the API. Then try the demo again.

Also, the API runs using ColdFusion, so if you don't have that set up, then the API will likely break.

Hi Ben, ok it works now...I didn't realise there was ColdFusion behind. Also...I will work at a Java backed version. Thanks for your prompt reply.