
Results for training on DTU

fatbao55 opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for the great work!

I would like to check what is your PSNR for training on DTU. Mine is 3.137 and 6.637 without and with mask respectively. It seems rather low compared to the values reported when trained on Nerf-Synthetic (30+).

Is this abnormal?

It is absolutely abnormal. The PSNR on DTU should all be larger than 20.

You might have skipped the part in the readme saying that :

PSNR in the testing stage is meaningless, as we simply compare to pure white images in testing.

The current dataloader for dtu does not load ground truth images, but only uses white pixels. You will need to define your own train/test splits in the dataloader or set it to use the training views during testing.
you can check the line

if self.split == 'test':

@mJones00 You're right, thanks for the clarification!