
Sliders don't function correctly

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I created a project in order to test this out, and it seems to work quite well. However, when I tried adding a slider to the UI, I am able to interact with it in VR for the most part, but when I try to drag it, it behaves strangely, not allowing me to drag and continuously shifting around.

I'm having the same issue. I'm still debugging to find out why this is happening but couldn't find a solution. Oddly enough, when I add a breakpoint in UpdateUnityMouseSim function in Unity_Overlay.cs, here to be exact, and then continue the debugger, it DOES work as expected. Well sort of, without the need to keep pressing the trigger since something like Trigger_Up is not invoked while paused by the debugger. It may help anyone who comes across this problem. I'll post here again if I resolve it myself.

Hello, Have you guys solved problem? I met the same issue too

It seems when trigger pressed, Mouse position will never update