
Add all Variables from the Gitlab Issue API Response

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Please add all available variables from the Gitlab Issue API to use in a custom template.

I see some potential to combine this plugin with the projects plugin, so you could show your issues in a kanban board or calendar. For better filtering, all available variables should be present.

You can already use whatever filter parameters you like when defining your query.

yes, that's possible, but I can't use all values as handlebars, like 'labels' for example:

id: {{id}}
title: {{title}}
dueDate: {{due_date}}
webUrl: {{web_url}}
project: {{references.full}}
labels: {{#each labels}}#{{this}} {{/each}}

any thoughts on that?

yes, that's possible, but I can't use all values as handlebars, like 'labels' for example:

id: {{id}}
title: {{title}}
dueDate: {{due_date}}
webUrl: {{web_url}}
project: {{references.full}}
labels: {{#each labels}}#{{this}} {{/each}}

This should be resolved by #25 which has been included in the latest release I have just published.

@JonnyDeates, thx for the commit, works perfectly!