Color blue is too dark to be readable on a black background
thomas-maeder opened this issue · 1 comments
It looks as if tailspin could be a very useful tool.
Unfortunately, the promise No setup or config required
is not quite true. At last the colors would have to be chosen so that they are readable on the background of the terminal where tailspin is used.
Can I configure my own RGB codes for the colors?
The documented set of color names is very small - are there others?
Hi @thomas-maeder and thanks for trying out tailspin
In simple terms, tailspin
does not chose which colors are drawn to the screen. Instead, it sends a "signal" that certain pieces of text should be rendered in red/blue/green etc. to the terminal.
It is therefore terminal emulator which decides what color it should end up with. This is how terminal color schemes are made.
If the colors don't look good in your terminal, I suggest switching color scheme. It is the responsibility of the color scheme to make sure the default colors look good together.
In the screenshots I am using palenight
. Other popular themes are catppuccin