
Binary name conflict

0323pin opened this issue ยท 11 comments


I was asked to package tailspin for pkgsrc/NetBSD yesterday.
I'll be working on getting this done in an hour or so, but I've noticed that renaming the binary and seding the new name into the manpage will be required, as there's already a spin binary in the package tree.

Considering the existence of spin, it would probably be better to call the binary tailspin and avoid conflicts.

I'm open to other suggestions if you have other preferences.


Hi @0323pin and thanks for looking into packaging tailspin for pkgsrc/NetBSD.

Ah, this seems to be a reoccurring issue in packaging tailspin, see #21 and #54 for example.

If possible, I like the binary names to be short as I feel it adds to the simplicity of the tool itself. However, I am open to suggestions as well if there are practical reasons for doing it another way.

One issue with renaming the binary to tailspin, is that macOS comes with a binary that is also called tailspin, and I am not sure what the implication of shadowing binaries in that way will be.

I am not familiar with the packaging process for pkgsrc/NetBSD. What are some of the options moving forward?

Ahh ...

One issue with renaming the binary to tailspin, is that macOS comes with a binary that is also called tailspin,

This is not good. pkgsrc support macOS also and renaming to tailspin would cause a conflict on macOS.
What about tspin or, tsp? The package itself will still be called tailspin, though.

I am leaning towards ts, as it is reminiscent of ripgrep --> rg as the binary name. But I want to make sure that is not conflicting with any other binaries first. Do you know of a good way to check binary names across different package managers?

I am leaning towards ts ...


Do you know of a good way to check binary names across different package managers?

Not really but, I can easily check pkgsrc for you.

No problem, thanks for looking it up.

tspin looks to be the simplest and most unique binary name so far. I want to make sure this binary doesn't have any other conflicts, but if it doesn't we can perhaps settle on that as the binary name.

@bensadeh I've run grep -r "tspin" pkgsrc/ (this includes the whole package tree) an got no hits for tspin ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Great! ๐Ÿ˜„

If there are no issues with this elsewhere, I'll update the binary name for the upcoming 1.7.0 release. Thanks again for reaching out.

You could check repology.

I have a package ready to be merged now. It will be in the main tree in a few minutes.

Thanks for taking the time to put this together, really appreciate it. ๐Ÿ™

There's a PR now, to add install instructions to the README file ๐Ÿ˜‰