
Example Request

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Would love to see some more examples:

  • how do you use images with your slider
  • how do you make it responsive
  • how do you add controls to go left / right

sry, if this is kind of a dump question, but i am trying to figure out how this works and learn something.

btw. i enjoyed your screencast, i guess the most useful part for me was the introduction to grunt. anway i guess my understanding of css and html isnt good enough to understand what you did and how you built your slide for the example page, appreciate any help! :)

Extending this.

At least for me the autoplay class is not working.

Also, i would love to get some help adding the secondary nav items... thanks..

Secondary nav items? What does that have to do with gallery-css?

To answer your initial questions:

  • You can use images just by dropping in image tags within the .item classed elements
  • It already is responsive
  • Check the demo markup, you'll note that the left / right control items are added to the document

Closing because its not really an issue for gallery-css.

Hey ben, thanks for answering and trying to explain.

  • i understand you added the left / right control items yourself, this is what i meant with "secondary nav" (looked at the sourcecode of your example site)
  • i tried to "copy" the cody and the css for it (from your website) to archive the same effect and change the items later, but it get it to work.
  • the example markup works as far as displaying images in the slider and navigating through them with the dot navigation provided.
  • responsiveness works with some adjments of the css..

So my questio is: how would i add the left / right - secondary nav items?
Do i need only two, or more? since these are anchors? (2 for each image)?

here a screenshot.

bildschirmfoto 2013-07-01 um 11 55 09