
bug(minor): yatai-1.0.1 helm chart notes

KimSoungRyoul opened this issue · 1 comments

hi I think you missed this :)
kubectl get secret env -> kubectl get secret yatai-env

yatai/main/scripts/" & yatai-1.0.1 helm chart

helm get notes yatai -n yatai-system
When installing Yatai for the first time, run the following command to get an initialzation link for creating your admin account:

  export YATAI_INITIALIZATION_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret env --namespace yatai-system -o jsonpath="{.data.YATAI_INITIALIZATION_TOKEN}" | base64 --decode)

  echo "Create admin account at:$YATAI_INITIALIZATION_TOKEN" && kubectl --namespace yatai-system port-forward svc/yatai 8080:80

Thanks for your report! I fixed here: #384