`autoscaling/v2beta2` is deprecated in k8s 1.23
kvasilopoulos opened this issue · 6 comments
Yatai states that it works with Kubernetes clusters with version 1.20 or newer.
We have 1.26 and we get the following error:
I0214 08:25:37.323134 1 leaderelection.go:258] successfully acquired lease yatai-deployment/b292d523.yatai.ai
1.6763631373232365e+09 DEBUG events yatai-deployment-5bdcffb66d-rtfs5_6925bb24-d1cc-4a68-bdc5-92d57ff73ece became leader {"type": "Normal", "object": {"kind":"Lease","namespace":"yatai-deployment","name":"b292d523.yatai.ai","uid":"4c621713-ea5f-4e63-9170-e585f3867a99","apiVersion":"coordination.k8s.io/v1","resourceVersion":"26214648"}, "reason": "LeaderElection"}
1.6763631373233054e+09 INFO Starting EventSource {"controller": "bentodeployment", "controllerGroup": "serving.yatai.ai", "controllerKind": "BentoDeployment", "source": "kind source: *v2alpha1.BentoDeployment"}
1.676363137323376e+09 INFO Starting EventSource {"controller": "bentodeployment", "controllerGroup": "serving.yatai.ai", "controllerKind": "BentoDeployment", "source": "kind source: *v1.Deployment"}
1.6763631373233864e+09 INFO Starting EventSource {"controller": "bentodeployment", "controllerGroup": "serving.yatai.ai", "controllerKind": "BentoDeployment", "source": "kind source: *v2beta2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler"}
1.6763631373233929e+09 INFO Starting EventSource {"controller": "bentodeployment", "controllerGroup": "serving.yatai.ai", "controllerKind": "BentoDeployment", "source": "kind source: *v1.Service"}
1.6763631373233986e+09 INFO Starting EventSource {"controller": "bentodeployment", "controllerGroup": "serving.yatai.ai", "controllerKind": "BentoDeployment", "source": "kind source: *v1.Ingress"}
1.6763631373234038e+09 INFO Starting Controller {"controller": "bentodeployment", "controllerGroup": "serving.yatai.ai", "controllerKind": "BentoDeployment"}
I0214 08:25:38.374123 1 request.go:601] Waited for 1.046202298s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
1.6763631387267134e+09 ERROR controller-runtime.source if kind is a CRD, it should be installed before calling Start {"kind": "HorizontalPodAutoscaler.autoscaling", "error": "no matches for kind \"HorizontalPodAutoscaler\" in version \"autoscaling/v2beta2\""}
I0214 08:25:49.776787 1 request.go:601] Waited for 1.046409144s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
1.676363150129143e+09 ERROR controller-runtime.source if kind is a CRD, it should be installed before calling Start {"kind": "HorizontalPodAutoscaler.autoscaling", "error": "no matches for kind \"HorizontalPodAutoscaler\" in version \"autoscaling/v2beta2\""}
1.6763631517485435e+09 INFO start cleaning up abandoned runner services {"func": "doCleanUpAbandonedRunnerServices"}
1.6763631517516932e+09 INFO finished cleaning up abandoned runner services {"func": "doCleanUpAbandonedRunnerServices"}
After some digging, I found the following issue kubernetes/ingress-nginx#8599 which states that you should upgrade the autoscaling in v2 if you have k8s higher than 1.23.
$ kubectl get apiservices | grep autoscaling
v1.autoscaling Local True 81d
v1alpha1.autoscaling.k8s.elastic.co Local True 4d
v2.autoscaling Local True 81d
Thanks for your report! I will fix it ASAP
Hi, @yetone do you have an ETA on this? Thanks!
@kvasilopoulos I will finish this next week
@yetone Thanks!!
We also have the same issue. Any update on this fix?
Hi @yetone
We are pretty stuck waiting for this... Yatai is fantastic and we all loved it so much that we got it in every step of what we do. Yet we need to keep up-to-date with k8s too, so we are up in the air without either Yatai or k8s updates
Is there any ETA on this?