
Powered Rail Bug

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Please provide the following information:

  • BkCommonLib Version (1.20.1):
  • TrainCarts Version (1.20.1):
  • Server Type and Version (1.20.1):


Powered rails not activating


When my train ( just as minecarts coupled together ) is on top of powered rail and stationary, and I would normally click a button parallel to the powered rails to activate it and my train would start to move again, the red stone simply doesn't work. It works if I am not in the train but when I'm in the train the button just glitches out and stays in the pushed down animation until I exit the cart. Really annoying because I can't make non terminal stations. This bug doesn't happen when I've made a stopping barrier two blocks high and placed a button on the top block.

Expected behaviour

Would expect the train to just move like a regular minecart and actually get powered by the powered rails.

Actual behaviour

The cart simply won't move, the button/lever/redstone glitches out and nothing happens.

Additional Information

Any additional information we should know of?
I would also like to know how I can move a cart using the w key, as when the plugin Is installed I am unable to move the cart forward at all with the w key.

update: I've updated to 1.20.4 newest version and both the same bugs still occur.

Is this an ordinary minecart train? I remember this being a problem when the button click is intercepted and treated as a vehicle-click instead. (for handling seat changes) because of how the hitbox is positioned.

Perhaps I can turn that off when the model is fully vanilla. Also, the hitbox attachment mostly made that logic obsolete as well...

Is this an ordinary minecart train? I remember this being a problem when the button click is intercepted and treated as a vehicle-click instead. (for handling seat changes) because of how the hitbox is positioned.

Perhaps I can turn that off when the model is fully vanilla. Also, the hitbox attachment mostly made that logic obsolete as well...

Hello, Yes it is. This is just for a standard mine carts.. It will activate when the button is on a stopping barrier two blocks tall in Line with the tracks, but no red stone seems to activate Non powered rails while the cart is on top of the rails AND if I am in the minecart. When I'm not, the cart will move fine. and also what will happen In regards of being able to move the cart with W key when it is stationary on standard rail? Thank You