
Is entire backbone needed or is Backbone.sync enough? (with some custom changes?)

0xgeert opened this issue · 0 comments

I really like create.js and what it stands for and have been following it's development for some time now.

One roadblock for adoptation (upcoming project) is the reliance on backbone: I don't want Backbone to essentially mandate how I should be writing client-side apps. (I like to take a widget-centralied approach instead, probably with Twitter Flight), instead of bloated clientside MVC. Opinions differ of course.

However, I'd still like to incorp. create.js in the whole, with a imagined workflow as such:

  1. In read-mode content (say a blogpost) is annotated with RDFa.
  2. On edit I provide an JSON-schema with validation stuff, extended with whatever data is necessary for create.js
  3. Have create.js create the contentEditables, and edit at well.
  4. Bidirectional binding will take care of creating a json-object that validates against the Json-schema. Not sure whether validation depends on backbone as well to be honest.
  5. Use backbone.sync to post/put to the backend.

Would such a scenario be possible with some modifications? I'd be willing to put effort into this, if I have some feel of the amount of effort and the elegance with which this could be integrated.