
_.template now returns a function

tswaters opened this issue · 0 comments

I've installed bower components and referenced them all... when starting it up I get an error raised in jQuery, "a is null".

I've tracked it down to the following, line:

_getMinimized: function () {
return jQuery(_.template(this.options.templates.minimized, {}));

_getMinimized: function () {
  return jQuery(_.template(this.options.templates.minimized, {}));

(although, doing a search for _.template in the project, it seems this is the only one to actually fail -- I imagine there are quite a few others that should be fixed as well)

_.template started returning a function in 1.7.0 I believe.... and when passing the function to jQuery it fails.. Looking at the reference the bower.json, it references >= 1.2.0 which may not be entirely safe.

I've updated to lodash in my own project, the one with underscore compatibility, and it seems to work pretty well.