
Regression with last autofan update - All drives ignored

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[[ -n $HDD ]] && SLEEPING=sdspin ${DISK}; echo $? || SLEEPING=hdparm -C ${DISK}|grep -c standby

This line is giving me trouble. (sorry for the formatting).
Apparently this never worked properly for me as hdparm always returns unknown status, which counts as not standby, and thus I did not notice.

The issue now is, that sdspin returns 1 for my HDDs (they never spin down) and 25 for my nvme (whatever this is supposed to mean) and thus all drives are excluded from the max temp calculation.

I understand there is little you can do about that (aside from maybe a config option to ignore the state of the disk; commenting this line fixed my issues).

What I would like very much is a check if all disks are excluded, because as it is now, all fans are set to 0 if no temp is read. This of course causes issues.

There is already a post on the support forum about this, so I guess multiple people are affected.