
mommy.make() returns instance that did not go through any model manager, thus missing fields

cb109 opened this issue · 0 comments

cb109 commented

Instance returned by mommy.make() differs from one queried inside the application when a custom default model manager is annotating the query.

Expected behavior

I am using a custom model manager in which default annotations are added to the queryset. I was expecting that the instance returned by mommy.make() would include those annotated fields.

Actual behavior

The annotated fields are missing, since mommy.make() does bypass tthe default (or any) model manager.

Reproduction Steps

  • Define a model that uses a custom manager which adds an annotation, e.g. a simple alias to some other existing field.
  • Call mommy.make() on that model.
  • The returned instance is missing the annotations.
from django.db import models
from model_mommy import mommy

class MovieManager(models.Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        return (
            super(MovieManager, self).get_queryset()

class Movie(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    objects = MovieManager()

movie = mommy.make(Movie)
assert getattr(movie, 'name', None) is None


Python: 3.7
Django: 2.1
Model Mommy: 1.6.0