
A big matrix class written in C++, that serves advanced linear algebra techniques like SVD, QR factorization, inverse and eigenvalues.

Primary LanguageC++

Linear Algebra

A big matrix class written in C++.

Supported Operators

  • + : Either adds two same sized matrices, or adds a constant to each element of the matrix

  • - : Either subtracts from one matrix to other (same sized matrices), or subtracts a constant from each element of the matrix

  • * : Either multiply two matrices (mxn * nxk = mxk), or scale the matrix by a constant

  • / : Divides each element of the matrix by a constant

  • == : Checks if two matrices are same

  • != : Checks if two matrices are different

  • = : Assignment operator

Syntactic Sugars

  • += operator

  • -= operator

  • *= operator

  • /= operator


  • getRows(): Returns the number of rows

  • getCols(): Returns the number of columns

  • return_col(i): Returns the ith column of the matrix

  • return_row(i): Returns the ith row of the matrix

Linear Algebra

  • T(self=false) : Returns the transpose of the matrix, if self (default false), updates the matrix

  • gaussianElimination(self=false) : Returns the row-echolon form of the matrix, if self (default false), updates the matrix

  • inverse() : Returns the inverse of the matrix

  • determinant() : Returns the determinant of the matrix (defined only on square matrices)

  • qr_decomposition() : Returns matrices Q(orthogonal matrix) and R(upper triangular matrix) that satisfies Q*R = object using Gram-Schmidt equations(analytically). The algorithm fails to deliver correct Q and R when the object is singular.

  • singular_value_decomposition() : Returns matrices U, E, V_T where U contains AA_T's eigenvectors, E contains the eigenvalues of A and V contains A_TA's eigenvectors using Jacobi Eigenvalue Algorithm (numerically).

  • eigs() : Returns the eigenvalues of the matrix (utilizing Jacobi Eigenvalue Algorithm)

Util Functions

  • clipCols(start, end, self=false) : Returns the columns between start and end (M[start:end]), if self (default false), updates the matrix

  • clipRows(start, end, self=false) : Returns the rows between start and end, if self (default false), updates the matrix

  • swapRows(i,j) : Swaps ith row with jth.

  • swapCols(i,j) : Swaps ith column with jth.

  • remove_row_col(i,j, self=false) : Returns a matrix that does not contain ith row and jth column of the object, if self (default false), updates the matrix (utilized while calculating the cofactor matrix)

  • sum(axis=0, self=false) : Returns the sum of the elements in given axis

  • frobeniusNorm() : Returns the Frobenius Norm of the matrix

  • assignCol(m, col_num) : Assigns m to col_numth column of the matrix

  • assignRow(m, row_num) : Assigns m to row_numth row of the matrix

  • apply(function) : Applies the function to the each element of the matrix (mutates the object)

  • printMatrix() : Prints the matrix with 2 precision

Free Functions

  • eye(n) : Returns an identity matrix with size nxn

  • zeros(n) : Returns a matrix of zeros with size nxn

  • ones(n) : Returns a matrix of ones with size nxn

  • diag(m) : Returns a matrix whose diagonal values are m

  • matrixtoVector(m) : Returns the vector representation of matrix m