- 9
SSL issues
#208 opened by scalp42 - 2
- 7
- 1
- 1
optionally delete /etc/chef/client.pem on bootstrap
#240 opened by aynleslie - 19
Add 'no_proxy' support.
#153 opened by chrisfarnham - 5
Possible bug in chef/config
#262 opened by jsirex - 16
Scary messages from celluloid when exiting...
#220 opened by stensonb - 12
- 3
Syntax check should use active version of Ruby
#277 opened by reset - 1
Nested databag object
#279 opened by evalencia - 0
Bump celluloid and use new testing mode
#219 opened by sethvargo - 1
winrm dependency conflicts with zk gem
#221 opened by jfoy - 1
- 0
#278 opened by paulmccallick - 4
Exception due to presence of chef_repo_path
#275 opened by lamont-granquist - 2
Integrate chef-zero for user tests
#152 opened by ivey - 3
"Boolean is not a module" error on start up
#205 opened by asaenz-vmware - 1
Faraday 0.9.0 breaks ridley
#239 opened by rteabeault - 2
Add Chef-vault support
#266 opened by dhawal55 - 11
All nodes reporting chef_environment of '_default'
#271 opened by joelmoss - 5
Not respecting chefignore?
#151 opened by ivey - 2
A good example of bootstrapping a node with Ridley would be extremely useful
#233 opened by cstewart87 - 1
ridley.node.all return wrong data.
#238 opened by ctrlok - 6
partial_search blows up on NoMethodError
#243 opened by bmhatfield - 1
Require buff-extensions 0.5.0
#246 opened by docwhat - 3
Bootstrap capabilities/docs
#254 opened by cstewart87 - 2
Slow load time
#226 opened by sethvargo - 4
Cookbook resource
#210 opened by scalp42 - 3 doesn't expand '~'
#211 opened by ivey - 2
Streaming outputs of chef runs and bootstrapping
#218 opened by cbreden - 4
- 11
Add support for environment file uploads
#196 opened by stensonb - 8
require ridley in ruby 2.0 crashes VM
#206 opened by cpuguy83 - 9
- 0
Should not crash on WinRM::WinRMHTTPTransportError: Bad HTTP response returned from server (500)
#187 opened by ivey - 1
Incorrect error when SSH login fails
#175 opened by reset - 4
Berkshelf Upload Failed - server certificate
#180 opened by organicveggie - 1
remove 'override' and 'default' attributes from NodeObject - this is not part of the Chef API
#165 opened by reset - 0
Mixin::ShellOut is not safe on JRuby
#169 opened by reset - 5
- 5
Replace Mixlib::ShellOut (fix JRuby support)
#142 opened by reset - 2
Data Bag Creation Expects a Hash
#158 opened by andrewgross - 5
Number of threads explosion on JRuby
#143 opened by reset - 2
Use a string for client_key
#144 opened by bakins - 6
Add ACL support to Objects
#147 opened by reset - 1
- 3
- 1
Celluloid::IO::TCPSocket does not work on WIndows
#183 opened by capoferro - 1