
Behind Graphql: A first-principles approach

bogdanned opened this issue · 2 comments

Behind Graphql: A first-principles approach


GraphQL is quickly becoming really fast the lingua franca for the web. Designing GraphQL API's for scale is a challenging and exciting process. Although an extremely new technology GraphQL builds on system architecture patterns that have been around for a long time in different flavors.
In this talk, we will discover fundamental patterns behind GraphQL and discuss their implications for our systems architecture. Following up I will introduce different ways of designing, planning, and provisioning using Graphql in order to ensure reliability, resilience, and scalability.

Bogdan Nedelcu

  • This will be my first tech talk

Contact Details

Twitter: @bogdanned32
Berlin.JS Slack: @bogdanned

Code of Conduct

Hey @bogdanned, thanks for submitting a talk! Very cool topic. I've added you to our waitlist and we'll reach out again when we have a better idea of when we can schedule you 🚀

Thank you @carolstran! I can't wait to hear from you. Cheers :)