
Contain obsoleted string

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Compared to English repo's, listed files that may contain "obsolated strings" in German repo's.
Note: Some files such as "Settings.apk" merge strings of different devices.

Files Diff Fixed commit
./Calendar.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 12 4ff6425
./Calendar.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 39 b91c6a7
./CertInstaller.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 14 fa3cc20
./CloudService.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 190 112f8f6 & 29272a0
./Contacts.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 30 81a6112
./Contacts.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 27 81a6112
./DeskClock.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 12 c7426bc
./DeskClock.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 16 c7426bc
./FileExplorer.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 136 1da9d61
./FileExplorer.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 120 dc48153 & 46dffd4
./framework-res.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 80 141b407
./framework-res.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 361 ff0a623/ 67bf907/ ec69166
./InCallUI.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 25 ecba18a
./ManagedProvisioning.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 51 12f4ef1
./MiuiGallery.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 160 6fc1948
./MiuiSystemUI.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 25 bd46775
./Mms.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 50 0be02c2
./Music.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 104 fc16d7f
./Music.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 431 86e6145
./Notes.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 47 4dac1b7
./PackageInstaller.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 154 6f0f34d
./PaymentService.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 33 88b074e
./PowerKeeper.apk/res/values-de/arrays.xml 59 eaa5520
./PowerKeeper.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 20 57c976c
./PowerKeeper.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 149 5ad4646
./QuickSearchBox.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 13 a8921dc
./QuickSearchBox.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 233 a8921dc
./SecurityAdd.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 17 526a4e6
./SecurityCenter.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 47 b8cdeca
./SecurityCenter.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 510 6e78c74
./Settings.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 105 92ee92a
./Settings.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 1551 40a87f5
./Telecom.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 112 2310a1d
./TeleService.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 720 ebae028
./XiaomiAccount.apk/res/values-de/arrays.xml 37 3218d20
./XiaomiAccount.apk/res/values-de/plurals.xml 12 1c32235
./XiaomiAccount.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 199 6303514 & 520e0eb
./XiaomiServiceFramework.apk/res/values-de/strings.xml 101 db798aa

Tell me how do you compare so many strings so that I can help you?

I'm using WinMerge for text compare. (It can also be used for history comparison of Git.)

But, can not compare translations perfectly, While comparing XML of "English" and "Translation",
I often check with my own eyes. I'm comparing the differences of "string name = XXX".


@ScratchBuild: Found another way for comparing. I'm using GitHub Desktop with Notepad++, and here I got a plugin called Compare. It works perfectly for me.

All done for the moment, but:
Clover does not have Backup.apk yet. So there are still a lot of strings left in Settings.apk that are already in Backup.apk for the other devices. If there will be a Backup.apk the Settings.apk must be checked again.