
Degoo uses Windows filenaming conventions and not Unix

DLBerger opened this issue · 3 comments

I found this the hard way.
Degoo sees MyFile and MYFILE as the same file/directory.
Like Windows it retains the filename as created, but trying to create any other variants causes an error.
Not sure why, but it leads to a host of potential problems.

Thanks for reporting. Indeed that does in backing up a Linux box which is my goal. So will have to test that and test for it. It is admittedly rare not common for that to cause a problem, but common enough that it's worth knowing about, testing for explicitly and doing something about.

It can pose a problem for sync dreams, but the only way out really being to report a clash, not do a transfer and request a user to rename the local file if they want to back up to Degoo.

I admit though that I find it surprising as the vast majority of servers out there use case senstive naming I think,

Did some testing on this at last. Seems the Degoo backend does no see MyFile and MYFILE as the same file/directory as I can upload files with identical names bar case without drama. I cannot however download them. This is true of the web app and this python app, and relates to the backend API not generating a download URL. Again I have a support request in with Degoo on his and hope they respond positively.

Well Degoo have never responded. That's a downer. Judging from this (the above reported test), I am guess we should issue warnings on upload.