
Sizing Issue - Maybe I'm missing something obvious...

IAmOrion opened this issue · 0 comments

Really like this code, using it to build a smart meter IHD layout - the problem is, for the life of me, I can not figure out how to make the 2 gauges in use the same size!!

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 03 35 51

The LEFT side is the size I want both to be - the canvas is 380 x 190, that's the size it's rendering. The RIGHT side, no matter what I do, no matter what CSS I change, no matter was gauge script option I change, the canvas is always 300 x 150 for the donut gauge.

What am I doing wrong!?? Any hekp greatly appreciated.


Edit: just to clarify, the wrappers and container divs etc are the same sizes, it's literally the canvas rendering size that's the issue. I can adjust the css in the inspector after it's rendered, but nothing I do will make it that size correctly so to speak