
test_parse_normalized fails on Python 3.7

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Running the test suite with Python 3.7.4 results in a failure in __main__.NormalizedParse:

FAIL: test_parse_normalized (__main__.NormalizedParse)                                             ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                   File "querystring_parser/", line 208, in test_parse_normalized
    self.assertEqual(self.knownValuesNormalized, result)                                     
AssertionError: {'section': [{'name': 'sekcja siatkarska', 'words': [[''[251 chars]]]}]} != {'secti
on': [{'words': [['', ''], ['', ''], ['noga', 'le[251 chars]2'}]}
  {'section': [{'name': 'sekcja siatkarska',
                'words': [['', ''], ['', ''], ['noga', 'leg']]},
               {'del_words': [['kciuk', 'thimb'], ['oko', 'an eye']],
                'name': 'sekcja siatkarska1',
                'words': [['', ''], ['', ''], ['renca', 'rukka']]},
               {'name': 'sekcja siatkarska2',
-               'words': [['wlos', 'a hair'], ['', ''], ['', '']]}]}
+               'words': [['', ''], ['', ''], ['wlos', 'a hair']]}]}

Ran 10 tests in 0.013s

Same issue over here

A PR would be welcome!