
2 bars chords not created in midifile

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Berteh
When a chord is the same in several bars, its often not re-typed in the MSC.
The MMA file shows
1 C7
3 E7
but the midifile generated will have only 2 bars, it skips the bars with no chord in the MMA file
If its a MMA limitation, you could generate the MMA file adding the previous chord when a bar is empty.
Best regards

hum, indeed... I'm no MMA specialist as you can see.

Is the only possible way to generate every single bar line with a number or did you see an easier solution (like adding systematically only the index of the last measure ?)

Hi Berteh. Thanks for so quick reaction to all my posts !
Sorry for not tagging them properly, Its my first time on Github. As you might see in my profile, Im not a developper, although i used to in the 90s, but the technos werer totally different, and although i work as manager of a dev team...
I will try to learn a bit of qml and JS to do some plugins for musescore as Id love to see some cool new functions, but for the time being, Im unable to code actually and push you any updates for analysing and merging.

For this precise topic, reading the mellowood doc and the mma file, i think only repeating the chord in the MMA file would lead MMA to generate proper Mifidile.
In my above example, it would mean

1 C7
2 C7
3 E7
4 E7

bars 2 and 4 being deducted from bars 1 and 3.
If you have some time, Id be glad to test it.
More generally speaking, you can count on me for Musescore plugins testing
best regards