Cannot locate function to manipulate drill/up down
az-data-guru opened this issue · 1 comments
az-data-guru commented
On the bottom left and right hand there is a plus/minus that calls a render-tooltip-server. The render-mode still shows client so I am unsure if this data can be extracted. I need to drill down to daily. Please let me know if I am missing something.
bertrandmartel commented
I've just implemented the level drill up/down in v0.1.15. The following will drill down 3 times:
from tableauscraper import TableauScraper as TS
url = ''
ts = TS()
wb = ts.getWorkbook()
sheetName = "P1 - Tests by Day W/ % Positivity (Both) (2)"
drillDown1 = wb.getWorksheet(sheetName).levelDrill(drillDown=True, position=1)
drillDown2 = drillDown1.getWorksheet(sheetName).levelDrill(drillDown=True, position=1)
drillDown3 = drillDown2.getWorksheet(sheetName).levelDrill(drillDown=True, position=1)
I'm still not sure how to find out the position parameter which is an integer I've default to 0. It doesn't seem to be present in the json configuration. I guess it's the index of the 1st drillable table but can't find any references of that