
Note/warn about size

Opened this issue · 8 comments

You should state the size of the whole repo in the Readme, so people are not surprised when cloning it… 😄

You're probably looking for this URL, which is part of the git API. Similar should be available for any repository you have access to read (ie. just fix the URI, applicably).

Perhaps more clearly, where $1 is the github user / organization, and $2 is the github username:

curl$1/$2 | grep size

I have been trying to download this via browser (zip) , also trying to clone it (github desktop) but so far it has not been successful despite multiple attempts. Wondering if you could post size of this .. would appreciate if this could be available via torrent.

Posted about size in - warning is visible above logo.

Zipping/Torrentization in process

Besides .zip, it might be useful to provide an archive that uses LZMA/LZMA2 compression, as it should produse even smaller file. .xz archive would be the best option for that, with .7z being the second best option if for some reason you can't make a .xz.

Using 7zip, I've been able to create .zips with LZMA compression - getting about 25% compression ratio. It opens on most operating systems without much trouble

Ok, I see, it's an LZMA .zip. That should be fine then. .zip archives are generally compressed with DEFLATE compression algorithm, so that's what I have assumed it was.

I'll make that more obvious, because that's a reasonable assumption