
Seedbox File Switchover

berzerk0 opened this issue · 6 comments

After the release of Version 2 in the next few days, the seedbox will go down briefly as I switch over from the old to the new files.

If you want to get the Rev 1 files, do so ASAP

Files on the seedbox will go down at

17:00, 5pm UTC
12:00, Noon, EST

On 18 Feb, 2018

Looking to officially release on Monday morning EST.

Uploading to the seedbox now.

The seedbox is not behaving.
Add days of release delay.

Seedbox was working, all switched over, ready to rock.

I drop the official release, and now the interface won't load.
C'est la vie!

Will close this when it's up and running.

Switching to a more reliable seedbox provider - should be running full speed by the end of the day.

Switched and chugging along!