
Enhancement: Coverage Calculator

jtigues opened this issue · 2 comments

Making an actual issue for this.
Coverage calculating always comes up for ironmon runs and I imagine regular playthroughs also like to have it. Some of the available ones online though don't let you do things like see only fully evolved mons, or take into account tracked immunity abilities you've encountered, both of which would be expecially relveant to Ironmon.

This would especially help if anyone wanted to randomize the typings of mons; as far as I am aware none of the current coverage calculator options currently support that kind of adjustment.

Seems that something similar already exists here:

Doesn't look like there are very many folks, if any, who use the randomize typings randomizer option, so will table this for now. Taking into account immuities will be somewhat addressed by allowing for searching for mons with a particular ability from the Ability Info screen, which is in the works

Closing as Zac ended up implementing this. ty Zac