
No gyro/acc detected after updating Stable F411 FC to BF 4.5

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BF CLI Id: "39f33bd2-bfce-4fc5-bb71-61e56f235328"

Works fine on BF 4.3 but no gyro/acc is detected on BF 4.4 and up.

Firmware Target: MATEKF411

Link to FC manual (

Links shows it is using MPU6000 which is in the target already. Flash with Core Only and provide a support ID again.
Suspect GYRO_SPI_ICM20602 ACC_SPI_ICM20602 in custom defines while flashing would work.

Core only bf 4.5 support Id: "4a2c24be-4062-4aae-8f76-bf29a32bba41"

Hmm, still does not show up gyro / acc.
Flash working 4.3x and submit support ID to see if we can find any difference

BF 4.3.2 with working gyro/acc support Id: "b4733470-596d-46b6-90f1-600f68c58308"

Hmmm, GYRO=ICM42688P, ACC=ICM42688P

Add GYRO_SPI_ICM42688P ACC_SPI_ICM42688P to custom defines while flashing

Not sure why it did not show up in core build as I did not compare support IDs

That worked, will do test flight. Thank you for your help!

What happens if you flash the correct target? ๐Ÿ˜†
You should be flashing GEPRCF411.