Invalid parameters UserInfo.create(
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I've tried very simple application (single button -> on click vibrate) but unfortunatelly it does not work.
Here is what I noticed on logcat:
10-07 21:16:16.269 11983-12273/pl.jkrajniak.miwatch W/BluetoothGatt﹕ Unhandled exception in callback
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid parameters
at com.betomaluje.miband.model.UserInfo.create(
at com.betomaluje.miband.model.UserInfo.getSavedUser(
at com.betomaluje.miband.MiBand$1.onSuccess(
at com.betomaluje.miband.bluetooth.BTConnectionManager$3.onServicesDiscovered(
at android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt$1.onSearchComplete(
at android.bluetooth.IBluetoothGattCallback$Stub.onTransact(
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
Hi Jakub
first of all I'm really really sorry for this late response. I've been really
busy with my new job.
Also I've updated the code to fix some minor bugs:
Easy use: compile 'com.betomaluje.miband:app:1.0.3'
I'm really grateful you're using this library.
Have a great day!
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"Jakub Krajniak" wrote:
I've tried very simple application (single button -> on click vibrate) but
unfortunatelly it does not work.
Here is what I noticed on logcat:
10-07 21:16:16.269 11983-12273/pl.jkrajniak.miwatch W/BluetoothGatt﹕
Unhandled exception in callbackjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid parameters
at com.betomaluje.miband.model.UserInfo.create(
at com.betomaluje.miband.model.UserInfo.getSavedUser(
at com.betomaluje.miband.MiBand$1.onSuccess(
com.betomaluje.miband.bluetooth.BTConnectionManager$3.onServicesDiscovered( android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt$1.onSearchComplete(
android.bluetooth.IBluetoothGattCallback$Stub.onTransact( android.os.Binder.execTransact(
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I'm getting the same exception on version 1.0.3
Thanks for update!
I think that the problem comes from line; First I thought that those data like weight or age comes from MiBand :-D but then I realized that it comes from SharedPreferences where there has to be set beforhand. It is a variety of application where you actually do not need to store any user profile apart from btAddress.
My quick solution was to change this line to
if (address == null || address.length() == 0) {
btw, would it be possible to change name of module from app
to libsomething
, otherwise it is difficult to import it as a module in AS.
Changed validation as @MrTheodor suggested.
Regarding changing the module's name, just create a new issue and I will get to it asap