
Translate docs to English version

mechamobau opened this issue ยท 5 comments

The project creator team focused on creating docs in Portuguese, but to expand the number of people contributing with the project it's necessary to translate the documentations to a English version.

@mechamobau Hey! I'm interested on tackling this one ๐Ÿ˜„
To get a clearer view though, the docs would be the monorepo's and its package's READMEs, right?
Should we create a maybe?

Hey @jliocsar, thanks for the interest in contributing to the project!

the docs would be the monorepo's and its package's READMEs, right?

Yes, right! :D

Should we create a maybe?

My idea is to make english the default language to the repo, so all READMEs can be translated to an english version and the current READMEs filenames renamed to Does make sense?

If you have any other questions that I can respond to, please ask! I'm here if you need help ;)

@mechamobau Right! That sounds better indeed! Awesome, I'll open a PR when I have it done. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜„

PR #4 should be good to review ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿš€

#4 solved this issue, thanks for contributing! ๐Ÿš€