
jQuery plugin must be loaded, skipping directive initialization

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I am getting this in the console :

ng-intl-tel-input: intl-tel-input jQuery plugin must be loaded, skipping directive initialization

What can be causing this?

you must load intlTelInput.js first

same issue

Hello! Thank you for your interest in this module!

Are you loading original plugin prior to this integration module?

including all files below works for me

css files:

js files:

Note: ng-intl-tel-input = "version": "2.0.0", intl-tel-input="version": "9.0.14" and jquery = "version": "3.2.0"

Glad to hear it. I'm going to close this.

@tnusraddinov , can you suggest, where you have include these files?

@GloomyStranger I would suggest using npm and something like Webpack to bundle all the files together.

@slavafomin yeah, Ive tried, but dont get any luck, would be cool if you can show any of working ways

@GloomyStranger What exact problem do you have with the approach I've mentioned?

@slavafomin ng-intl-tel-input: intl-tel-input jQuery plugin must be loaded, skipping directive initialization got this and regular input field instead of lib custom input

@GloomyStranger You must make sure that all libraries are loaded. I would suggest to examine the bundle and to see if all modules are properly exported. Maybe some adjustments must be needed in Webpack configuration to make it work. I'm not using the Angular.js for at least two years now, so I don't have a working example, which I could share, sorry.

@slavafomin Im good know what you mean, Angularjs is old but I`m supporting big old project so there I havent any choice