
Refactor the main JavaScript app file

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I mean, it's not really a "bug," but the JS I wrote originally is such a mess that it really needs to be refactored, if not just rewritten, so it kind of is a bug.

Putting this ticket in and assigning it to myself as a "self, clean up your room," sticky note. Now if only I had my own room.

Anyway, I am really liking Vue.js so far (playing with it over here, FYI) and am wondering if maybe it's got the right balance between features, future-proofing, and the needs of a bunch of anarchist coders who have a "don't tell me how to fucking structure my own app, damn JS framework authoritarians" attitude (which definitely describes me) for it to be the right tool for the job.

This issue has been migrated to betterangels/buoy#75.